6:59 PM

Death and Disease

The only thing guaranteed in this life is death and disease. All else is a bonus, and I, my dear, am a bonus. I'm always writing. All the time. Always muttering something to myself. Delicious poetry. Delicious lyrical poetry. Language, sentence structure, turns of phrases, rhymes, metaphors, hyperbole and sarcasm. I love it all. The pen is mightier than the fist and yeah, I'm a pretty frustrated, angst-ridden individual. But that's what makes me so special and unique right? I believe I've created something that's going to change the way you look at things, but it's not ready yet. Stop. Start. Pause. Rewind that. Play it again. What's missing? I don't like it. There's nothing you've got in your pocket, throat or wallet that can bring me down. Keep trying though. You're nothing but a bad actor in a low budget screenplay.


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